This particular type of Spirometry measures dynamic lung volumes and respiratory flows allowing the recognition of the presence of obstructive disease involving a reduction in airway caliber, or restrictive disease characterized by a reduction in lung volume.
The examination is not painful and does not require any kind of preparation; only patients with a prescribed dosage will need to inquire from their treating physician whether or not to discontinue any therapies.
In the presence of special situations (such as uncontrolled hypertension, pregnancy, post-surgery status from thoracic surgery, spontaneous post-pneumothorax status, or epilepsy) prior evaluation by the pulmonary physician is requested before proceeding.
It is important to know that.
This examination is totally contraindicated for those who have suffered recent myocardial infarctions or cerebral strokes, hemoptysis, severe carotid artery obstruction, cognitive impairment, psychosis , and all situations that do not allow an understanding of the maneuvers required.
No preparation.
Bring clinical documentation.
This examination is totally contraindicated for those who have suffered recent myocardial infarctions or cerebral strokes, hemoptysis, severe carotid artery obstruction, cognitive impairment, psychosis, and all situations that do not allow an understanding of the maneuvers required.